Marketing Like a Mother
Marketing Like a Mother
Handling Rejection in Business

Handling Rejection in Business

This week on Marketing Like a Mother we're facing our fears and diving into the challenging waters of handling rejection.

As much as we might wish it weren't so, rejection is a normal and necessary part of business. But that doesn't make it easy to deal with it!

In this episode, we talk about: 
 - The real challenges of dealing with rejection in business
- Strategies for dealing with rejection in client situations and for receiving criticism
- Rejection is not personal
- Setting healthy boundaries and being authentic in marketing and visibility efforts
- Cleaning your email lists and understanding the benefits of unsubscribes
- And so much more

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Learn more about Michelle here and about Olivia here.

Marketing Like a Mother
Marketing Like a Mother
Marketing & online business advice from two moms making it work.
Listen in each week as business besties Michelle Pontvert & Olivia Radcliffe talk about the realities of running successful online businesses around little kids. We regularly invite guest experts to talk about topics from SEO and social media marketing to productivity and mindset to help you grow a profitable and family-friendly business.